
20 Des 2010

our 2012

it's not a 1st love.
it's never love at the 1st sight.
it did'nt even work at the 1st go.

it's a friend, 
became a good friend, 
became a best friend, 
became a loving friend for life. 

because eventually
lovers... are just two simple friends
with passion, as much as compassion

2012 is not the end of the world
instead, it was our rebeginning

50 years a go? No, okay, i mean 5 ^.^ .... 
Happy 5th anniversary of our 2nd chance, my #1 silent reader. smoochies :*


7 komentar:

  1. aiiiihh... so sweet, mbak. ^^
    meskipun aku kurang ngerti postingan itu ditujukan ke siapa. :P

  2. laaahhh, ya buat gembul dong Niill.... itu tag-nya kan gembul, hehe. Hari jadian nyambung pacaran lagi :P

  3. ehem, jadi mas gembul silent reader nomer 1? aku juga silent reader lho mbak De, yg nomer antrian brp ya? qeqeqeee... tapi baru kali ini ksh comment. selamat hari jadi ya [hari pernikahan atau pacaran?] pokona selamat deh! smuga langgeng!


  4. hore!! ahirna masuk komenku! eniwe de baswe, susah sangat utk komen di blogmu slm ini mbak De. baru kali ini brhsil, itu juga usaha yg ketiga, tadi hampir nyerah lage. tau d yg ini suxes or gagal lg T_T

  5. eh!!!TRAKTIIIIIR!!! PJ woi PJ...Pajak jadian....!!!

  6. gw kapan ya nulis kayak geenneee.. ? ---> curcol ah dikit hihihi....

  7. makasi makasiii.... buat kanti, makasih & salam kenal ya. ga mesti dikomen kok say [secara blogspot emang dodol!hihi], dibaca aja udah seneng ^^

    nggak makasih buat tanti >.<

    n buat keke, yah bentar lagi laaaahh insya Allah, hehe. iya kan? *_^
